Une histoire DES GETS en 300 cartes postales anciennes - A History of LES GETS in 300 old post cards - Edition français/anglais - French/English edition
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Through tourism, we travel in space, but also in time… In Les Gets, a village that has long remained a terra incognita for historians, the holiday postcard is the first conveyor, the most faithful witness, and the most powerful revealer of local history. This book brings together for you a selection of around three hundred photographs, often unpublished, to reveal the past of this mountain village. Here, the inhabitants of the ancient Faucigny province have long lived “without history”… Talented photographers of renown, or those who have fallen into anonymity, whether from afar or born here, are all smugglers of memory who have taken a distanced, sometimes poetic and often artistic look at this village, which was very poor, but which became, in barely a century, one of the Alps’ most prosperous mountain resorts. The commune of Les Gets has adopted Virgil’s motto: “Audaces fortuna juvat,” or “Fortune favours the bold”. The saga of this unusual village development deserves to be brought to light.