Témoignages on-line sur www.koryogroup.com- agence on-line spécialiste de la Corée du Nord.... Pour ma part, je n'ai rien à rajouter.
"A trip to North Korea is the greatest possible adventure, there is simply nowhere as amazing, if you do not visit you are missing out…but until you have been it is difficult to tell just how mind-blowingly wonderful it all is!"
Andy Kershaw BBC Radio 3, on his 4th visit to North Korea with Koryo Tours for his music tour, November 2003 (From a US tourist - August 2007)

Dear Hannah, A million thanks for the tour to the most fascinating country in the world! It was all I dreamt it would be and much more. I really appreciate your time and patience in making the trip truly enjoyable, memorable and educational. I hope to travel with Koryo Tours again in the future.
Please send my thanks to Simon and Nick as well. Thanks!!!!!